
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday #42

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event that is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating.

Jocelyn's Waiting On: 

Gifted: H.A. Swain
Publication Date: June 14th, 2016


In Orpheus Chanson's world, geniuses and prodigies are no longer born or honed through hard work. Instead, procedures to induce Acquired Savant Abilities (ASAs) are now purchased by the privileged. And Orpheus's father holds the copyright to the ASA procedure.

Zimri Robinson, a natural musical prodigy, is a "plebe"--a worker at the enormous warehouse that supplies an on-line marketplace that has supplanted all commerce. Her grueling schedule and her grandmother's illness can't keep her from making music--even if it is illegal.

Orpheus and Zimri are not supposed to meet. He is meant for greatness; she is not. But sometimes, rules are meant to be broken. Here is a thriller, love story, and social experiment that readers will find gripping--and terrifying.

Is this going to be a series? It sounds like it's going to be a series. Well, regardless it sounds dystopian-y. That's definitely not a word but I'm just going to roll with it. And I love a good dystopian book, I think a lot of you do too. If you didn't have this on your radar before, hopefully you do now :) 

Cassie's Waiting On: 

The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi
Publication Date: May 3, 2016


The Star-Touched QueenCursed with a horoscope that promises a marriage of Death and Destruction, sixteen-year-old Maya has only earned the scorn and fear of her father's kingdom. Content to follow more scholarly pursuits, her world is upheaved when her father, the Raja, arranges a wedding of political convenience to quell outside rebellions. But when her wedding takes a fatal turn, Maya becomes the queen of Akaran and wife of Amar. Yet neither roles are what she expected. As Akaran's queen, she finds her voice and power. As Amar's wife, she finds friendship and warmth.

But Akaran has its own secrets - thousands of locked doors, gardens of glass, and a tree that bears memories instead of fruit. Beneath Akaran's magic, Maya begins to suspect her life is in danger. When she ignores Amar's plea for patience, her discoveries put more than new love at risk - it threatens the balance of all realms, human and Otherworldly.

Now, Maya must confront a secret that spans reincarnated lives and fight her way through the dangerous underbelly of the Otherworld if she wants to protect the people she loves.

This novel is inspired by Indian mythology, which has always been something that interested me.  This definitely sounds like it could be a standout novel in 2016 and is a definite must-add to your TBR list.  Even though it's not being marketed as a series, I have a feeling it will be since it sounds like it easily could be haha.


  1. Nice picks! The first one is new to me! Sadly the second was one I didn't enjoy as much as I wanted to! Hope you both love your pick once you read it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Great picks! Both of these look great. I haven't heard of Gifted before so I added it to my to read list on Goodreads! :)
