
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Blog Tour: Away We Go

About The Book:

  Title: Away We Go
  Author: Emil Ostrovski
  Pub. Date: April 5th, 2016
  Publisher: Greenwillow Books
  Pages: 270
  Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, LGBT
  Rating: 4/5 stars

Synopsis :

Westing is not your typical school. For starters, you have to have one very important quality in order to be admitted—you have to be dying. Every student at Westing has been diagnosed with PPV, or the Peter Pan Virus. No one is expected to live to graduation.

What do you do when you go to a school where no one has a future? Noah Falls, his girlfriend Alice, and his best friend Marty spend their time drinking, making out, and playing video games on But when an older boy named Zach (who Noah may or may not be in love with) invites Noah and Marty to join his secret Polo Club, the lives of both boys change as they struggle to find meaning in their shortened existence.

With an innovative format that includes interstitial documents, such as flyers, postcards, and handwritten notes, Away We Go is a funny, honest look at first love and tragic heartbreak.


"To die will be an awfully great adventure"

Away We Go is one of those really good books that for some weird reason, doesn't have a lot of buzz surrounding it. I always hate when that happens, because this book definitely deserves a lot more buzz than it's been getting.

First of all, I really love the fact that this takes place at a boarding school of sorts. I feel that it made the characters' chemistry seem so much stronger and it impacted me a lot more than it would have had it taken place elsewhere. The characters were FANTASTIC. There were lots of them, and it actually worked extremely well instead of being overwhelming. All of the characters were dealing with their own problems and I was completely invested in all of them, I honestly think that they make the book great. My favorite was Zach! Even though he was the "bad boy" - I still loved him because I definitely have a thing for that. Noah was great too, and I even loved Marty (despite the fact that I may or may not have a had a thing with someone named Marty and it may or may not have ended badly).

"Everyone wants to be saved, kid," he said in surprise. 
"It's just a question of who's doing the saving." 

While this book took me a little while to get into, once I did, I couldnt put it down. I ended up really liking Away We Go. It was refreshingly funny, especially for something with serious undertones! I think I'd recommend this for fans of Denton Little's Deathdate, which was one of my absolute favorite books of last year. I'm really glad I'm finally getting into some funnier books because who knew you could actually laugh while reading a book? I've been reading too many serious books I suppose! Do you guys like to read funny books? What are some of your favorites?!

"If I am to be harvested to save the life of some Columbia professor of art history living in SoHo or NoHo or MoFo, then the least I can do is pass along some cirrhosis as well." 

About Emil Ostrovski:

I'm twenty-five.
Rather than give you a witty, self-deprecating account of the trials and tribulations of my twenty-five year old, suburban, upper-middle class, went-to-a-girl's-liberal-arts-college life, I'll admit that I haven't really done anything much worth reading about.
So in lieu of providing you with my biography, I will recommend that you read Desmond Tutu's.  Here.  
Why Desmond Tutu?
Well, I've always liked his name.

Connect with the Author: Website | Twitter 

3 finished copies of Away We Go (US Only)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Follow the tour!

Week 1:

Week 2:

- Jocelyn


  1. I absolutely love the cover! Great review :)

    Aeriko @ The Reading Armchair

  2. JOCELYN. Hold up. Is this "the" Marty that we spoke of and you never updated me on? I am going to need DETAILS.

    I love the quote you used hahha! I enjoyed the funny moments in the book too, it broke up the seriousness quite well. ANd Denton is one of my all time favorites too!
