
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Heir

The Heir (The Selection, #4): Kiera Cass

Princess Eadlyn has grown up hearing endless stories about how her mother and father met. Twenty years ago, America Singer entered the Selection and won the heart of Prince Maxon—and they lived happily ever after. Eadlyn has always found their fairy-tale story romantic, but she has no interest in trying to repeat it. If it were up to her, she'd put off marriage for as long as possible. 

But a princess's life is never entirely her own, and Eadlyn can't escape her very own Selection—no matter how fervently she protests.

Eadlyn doesn't expect her story to end in romance. But as the competition begins, one entry may just capture Eadlyn's heart, showing her all the possibilities that lie in front of her . . . and proving that finding her own happily ever after isn't as impossible as she's always thought.

As a somewhat fan of The Selection series, I definitely think I would be lying if I said I didn't have certain expectations for this novel. In the beginning, I found Eadlyn to be extremely annoying. She was nothing like America, who I really liked. I realized she grew up under different circumstances, but there was no reason for her to act the way she did for the majority of the book. Even when she did let up, I still wasn't her biggest fan. I think it was Kiera's intention to make her come off as a cold and distant character, but she just never grew on me. She never seemed too cold or too distant - she just seemed like she wanted to disobey her parents and be kind of childish. 

"Didn't they know who I was, what' they'd trained me for? I was Eadlyn Schreave"
No one was more powerful than me.
So if they thought I was going down without a fight, they were sadly mistaken."

While it wasn't as predictable as America's Selection, I don't think it was as exciting, either. There were so many times that I was bored. Eadlyn was indifferent about practically every single Selection participant. It seemed as if she couldn't have cared less if they stayed or left. If she would have just been sure about a guy or two, I would have been happier. The little romance there was left me confused and unfulfilled. There were really only two guy characters I was rooting for in the whole book - and one wasn't even part of The Selection. Do you care if I tell you who I like? I don't think that's a spoiler, because everyone makes up their own decisions about people. Personally, I liked Kile and Erik. There wasn't enough alone time with anyone to make a definite decision. America had so much time with Maxon in The Selection, so I was really able to get to know them as people and a couple. I literally have no idea how she is going to choose anyone because it didn't seem like she really got close to anyone in particular. 

It was still a fun read, though. Kiera Cass is able to make me zip through a book pretty fast. This one definitely took me the longest in her series. I read the other books in a day or two. These books are really light and they never make me think, they are just addicting. This one not as much as the others. This book doesn't really set up for the last book, and I'm not really any closer to guessing who she is going to choose than I was in the first few chapters of The Heir. Overall, I'm a little disappointed - and it kind of seems like this book was an afterthought to the first 3 books in the series. Have you read The Heir yet? How did you like it compared to the first 3 books? 


  1. I have never thought about starting the Selection series and have no intention of it. I just love the covers though OMGGG Fangirls. I see you're reading Heir of Fire omg and I'm so glad :D Throne of Glass is my favorite series ever and I really can't wait to hear your thoughts on the book. Is it just me or are ur sidebars shaking? LMfao Awesome review

    Alex @ The Book's Buzz

    1. My favorite covers of that series are The Elite and The One! They are definitely beautiful! And I'm reading that and Velvet and Sweet. I read like more than one book at once but I just post one picture! lol! and I hope my sidebars aren't shaking?? hahahaha

  2. From TheWitchSnitch (

    I actually was skeptical to start this series, but I heard so much good buzz about this recent release that I was gonna try it out! Now I'm nervous :S

    1. The first two books were really fun but I don't there there was any reason to make 2 more books! You can only read so much about this stuff, especially since it was going in circles. Nothing really new was going on!

  3. The Heir didn't impress me as well! Eadlyn was the most annoying character I've ever come across, and she didn't connect with any of the guys.

    1. Gosh she was so annoying, wasn't she? I feel like she would have at least connected with one of them if she spent a little alone time with them, but she was just doing random shit all day. I mean Maxon found time to spend with America even though he had stuff to do. The book was just overall annoying.

  4. Ahhhhhhh, this series are my guilty pleasure. Like yes, I know they aren't the greatest pieces of literature but they are addicting and I was so excited when I heard the story wasn't going to be over with The One, but then I read the summary of The Heir and I was SO disappointed because I AM NOT READY FOR 40 YR OLD MAXON AND AMERICA. We got robbed of sooo many moments, the pregnancy and blah I am not ready to read The Heir yet and everyone has been saying the main character is annoying so :////

    1. HAHA they are so my guilty pleasures too! They are kind of poorly written but they are so addicting! I TOTALLY agree! I was kind of disgusted when I read them being so old lol, which is weird because I mean I love Alexander Skarsgard who is older. Everytime I read about Maxon's hair going gray I wanted to gag. Because I was all about him in the first few books and now I'm supposed to be about his daughter's boyfriends? I don't think so, lol.

  5. I'm reading this one soon. Sorry you didn't enjoy it as much!

    1. It's ok - I really did enjoy the first two books of the series! I hope you like it, though!

  6. I haven't been able to decide if or when I am going to read this one. I really enjoyed reading The Selection. (Definitely my guilty pleasure book series, so addicting!) But I am not sure how I feel about this one. I have seen so many low reviews. And I really wanted more of Maxon and America. At first I was hoping it was more like their lives together after the babies were born or something, not The Heir's Selection. But oh well. I probably will eventually read it...maybe...but I am not sure how much I will like it. Especially after hearing the things you have mentioned: frustrating character, indifferent romance. I just want more Maxon and America cuteness.
