
Monday, May 11, 2015

NYCC 2015 - Are you going?

Should you go to New York Comic Con? Tickets go on sale this Wednesday, the 13th! They also sell out extremely fast. If you consider yourself a member of any fandom, NYCC will have something that you like! Even though it is called "comic con", they have so many bookish events there. If you wanted to, you could probably spend all of the 4 days doing just book things between the author panels, author signings, booth giveaways, and in-booth signings. I'll have some pictures of some random things I got at NYCC 2014' throughout this post! 

Who goes? 

This year - Cassandra Clare already announced on twitter that she and the cast of the Shadowhunters will be attending NYCC! I'm not sure if they're doing just a panel, a panel and signing, or a panel and a screening, but she said they will be there! Last year - there were some amazing authors that attended! Some that you might have heard of are: Alexandra Bracken, Ransom Riggs, Amber Benson, Cinda Williams Chima, Garth Nix, Jennifer Donnelly, Maureen Johnson, I.W. Gregorio, James Dashner, Kim Harrison, Pierce Brown, Scott Westerfeld, Romina Russel, Arwen Elys Dayton, Brandon Sanderson, and many more!

They also had some really cool panels, like "How to Survive in a Dystopian World", "Playing with Magic", "These are my People/ Aliens/ Zombies/ Vampires/ Dragons!: Building Community in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy World", "Villains: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly", "Sexy Beasts: Paranormal Romance Heroes and Why We Love Them", and "Not Your Mother's Fairytales".

I'm sure there are a lot more but I forget any others! The panels are really fun and they aren't as crowded as BookCon panels or other panels at NYCC. You definitely should get in line a little while prior, though to get a good seat. Mostly because seats aren't cleared in-between panels and you have some people who will just kind of sit there the whole day. However, there are a lot of people who do only go there for one panel because there are more things they want to see at the con besides a day full of panels. The really cool thing about NYCC is that pretty much every single author signed books after their panel. They also had enough time to take pictures with people who wanted their books signed if they asked for it. It's definitely a far cry from other book signings.

I got my bottle of True Blood
signed by Deborah Ann Woll
 at the Daredevil Signing
HarperCollins, Penguin, Random House, Disney Publishing, Simon & Schuster, Tor, Little Brown, Qurik Books, Hachette Books are all some of the well known publishers who go to NYCC. The publishers had different free books every single day plus in-booth signings, which are different from after panel signings. The in-booth signings, they usually give you a free book to get signed compared to the after panel signings where you are expected to supply your own books to be signed. Publishers will usually supply a schedule of all of there signings and giveaways a month or two before comic con on their website. Probably the best arc giveaways I felt at NYCC last year were from the HarperCollins booth. Everyday, they had a Spin 'N' Win where you spun a wheel and got a free arc. Red Queen was among one of the chances! They also had a Scratch and Win where you just scratch it off and won a book! However, Ember in the Ashes was also given away at NYCC last year which was also amazing so it was hard to pick a favorite booth.

 Besides authors - I also met Stephen Amell, Manu Bennet, the cast of Daredevil and a lot of comic artists/writers. I didn't spend my time around the book publishers and panels because I do like comics and the TV shows that were there, I also collect Funkos which are pretty big at NYCC. The panels in the main room are a bit more annoying to get into, but I managed to go to the Gotham panel and get a pretty good seat.

So - tickets aren't too expensive. Head over too this link to check out the ticket options. Have you ever been to NYCC? Are you planning on going this year or in the future?!