
Friday, April 28, 2017

ARC Review: Deliciously Thick (Naked Brews #2)

Deliciously Thick (Naked Brews, #2)About the Book:
Title: Deliciously Thick (Naked Brews #2)
Author: KB Jacobs
Pub. Date: April 28, 2017
Publisher: KB Jacobs
Pages: 251
Rating: 4/5 stars

Triple B...the Bad Boy of Boarding. 

That’s me and I own that title. I’m a professional snowboarder and my life IS the party. 

You want to hang out for a good time? Come to Triple B’s house. 
You need a hot chick to bang? There are tons of them at my place. 
My bar is stocked and the music is jamming. This is my life.

Until Juliet. No, that’s not her real name. That’s just what I called her when I fell in lust with her those nights when she read in her window.

But then a fire changed everything. 

I saved her life and it ruined mine. Now my sponsors say I either fix my party-boy image or else I’m through making the big bucks. I figure she broke me, she can fix me. 

She’s sweet and innocent, exactly what I need to fix my image. But I’m not sure either of us will survive the legacy that is Triple B.



Holy snowboard babies this book was off-the-charts amazing! After the major cliffhanger that KB Jacobs left in the first Naked Brews book, I was extremely excited to get my hands on the ARC of the second book in this series. And boy was I happy to have this book early. It blew me away, and while it's not my normal type of thing (you'll see what I mean when you read it), I still loved it! Doesn't hurt to be adventurous now and then ;) 

So it's no secret that I loved the first book in this series, Deliciously Smooth, but this second installment in the series definitely made me love the series even more. KB Jacobs' writing is excellent and makes you fall in love with the characters so easily. In this book (which technically could be read as a standalone but is so much better when you read them in as a series), we are introduced to Anthony "Triple B" Millett. If you couldn't tell by the cover, he's smoking hot on and off the slopes, and basically the party never ends for him. He's your typical playboy that has every girl at his beck and call. Until he sees his Juliet in the window every night when he goes for his run. He becomes intrigued by her, and when an unfortunate incident makes their paths cross, well let's just say he has his hands full when he actually meets his Juliet. 

"Juliet" in this case is actually Melissa, one of Lake's best friends. She's easy to love and I'm sure many of us bookworms can relate to her quite easily. She's obsessed with all things British, and she loves her reading. But she has a dirty little secret, one that not even I saw coming. But it definitely made for an exciting read. But Melissa doesn't put up with "Triple B's" antics. And frankly, I wouldn't either. Triple B is a jerk to the highest degree. He's brash and bold, and doesn't know how to stop the crazy antics that have become his persona. However, Anthony...Anthony was simply swoonworthy. Every time Anthony came out, well both Melissa and I fell in love just a little bit more. Which basically meant...



The chemistry that Anthony and Melissa have explodes off the page. You know from the minute they meet that they'll be an interesting pairing, and it is a relationship that is well worth exploring. Melisssa became more herself and Anthony helped her embrace her wild side. In turn, Melissa helped Anthony realize that the whole Triple B persona didn't need to exist anymore, or it could, but in a different way. All in all, they were perfect for each other and give each other a perfect balance that few can find. 


While this one doesn't end of such a huge cliffhanger like the first novel, KB Jacobs definitely let me wanting that third book sooner rather than later...and by sooner I mean like maybe next week. A whole new level is added to the story by the conclusion, and I just want everything to be okay for all these characters! Melissa and Anthony's story comes to an end in this book, but we'll definitely be seeing more of them in future books. I can't wait to see what KB Jacobs has in store for us next!!

Happy reading :)


Special thank you to KB Jacobs for letting me have an ARC of Deliciously Thick in exchange for an honest review!

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