
Monday, November 2, 2015

The Disney Book Tag

I'm not sure who originally created The Disney Book tag, but I saw the tag at My Addiction: Books. I absolutely love Disney and I also love doing book tag's so I figure putting them together would obviously be fun!

#1) The Little mermaid - a character who is out of their element, a "fish out of water" 

Cora from The Cage by Megan Shepherd

I feel like I could have picked so many characters for this one, I was almost going to pick from the Syrena Legacy Series but honestly I didn't like that one lol. SO - Cora is taken from her home and put into an earth-like environment on another planet with other teenagers. She doesn't know which way is up or who to trust. I am actually really excited for the second book coming this spring! 

#2) Cinderella - A character that goes through a major transformation

Clary Fray from The Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Clare

Clary goes through a huge transformation. Over the span of these books you can definitely see how she went from naive, bratty, and impetuous to a smart and strategic warrior. I am also hoping to see this pan out on the TV show! Fingers crossed :) 

 #3) Snow White - A book with an eclectic cast of characters 

Denton Little's Deathdate by Lance Rubin

I think I've picked this book before for a book tag with a similar question. So I will say yet again, I haven't read a book with characters as quirky as they are in Denton Little's Deathdate. The book is fantastic and is honestly one of the only books to literally make me laugh out loud.

#4) Sleeping Beauty - A book that put you to sleep

The Calling (Endgame, #1) by James Frey
Gosh this book bored me so much! It was being marketed all over by Harper Collins so I thought it was going to be this amazing book. I also heard that film rights were already purchased to it! Anyway about 1/4 way through the book I just could NOT go on, and note that I've only ever DNF'd like 4 books. If you like this book, more power to ya! 

#5) The Lion King - A character who had something traumatic happen to them in childhood

Cress from The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

I would probably say that Cress had something traumatic happen to her at all stages of her life. I mean, she was taken away from her parents and stuck in a ship by herself for practically her whole life. Then when she does meet her dad, he dies only a small time later. 

#6) Beauty and the Beast - A beast of a book (a big book) that you were intimidated by,
 but found the story to be beautiful 

Cress from The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

So, I wouldn't necessarily say this is a "beast of a book", however I was still reluctant of starting it. Even though I heard it was the best book in the series thus far, I was scared of the trend that series books keep getting longer and longer in length. I know you know what I'm talking about! And lately, they've been getting worse - a lot of the information seems like it could be cut out in most circumstances. However, I felt the length was necessary in this case and I was extremely happy with it.  

#7) Aladdin - A character who gets their wish granted, for better or worse 

Hazel and Ben from The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black

This book right here … if you haven't read a Holly Black book, get on it! In The Darkest Part of the Forest, a faerie prince has been sleeping in a glass casket in the middle of the forest. Hazel and Ben both love him, but no matter what anyone did he wouldn't wake up … until one day he was gone and a whole bunch of drama ensues. 

#8) Mulan - A character who pretends to be someone or something they are not 

Laia from An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

Laia goes undercover as a slave to try and save her brother. She is tough a shit and everyone who thinks she's not is insane. HELLO - would you voluntarily become a slave? I didn't think so! 

#9) Toy Story - A book with characters you with would come to life

The Sookie Stackhouse Series by Charlaine Harris

I wish all of these characters could come to life! The books are way different than the TV show and way better. Eric, Bill, Bubba, Quinn, Alcide, Jason, and Pam are some of my favorite characters from the book (besides Sookie, of course). I think the TV show did a nice job of depicting them but their personalities were so much better in the book. Pam was sassy in the book as well, but she actually really liked Sookie. I never saw that happen on the TV show and i was disappointed! 

#10) Disney Descendants - your favorite villain or morally ambiguous character

The Darkling from The Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo

I still can't admit to myself that The Darkling is truly a villain, however I will say that he is a morally ambiguous character. The darkling knows what he wants and will manipulate anyone to get it. Although, somewhere deep, deep down I know he has a soft side. 

Im Tagging: anybody who wants to do this tag!

- Jocelyn


  1. Great post! I love looking through other bloggers' Disney Book Tags c: Cress was definitely my favorite book in The Lunar Chronicles; it didn't even seem like it was terribly long since I sped through it in a couple of days!
    Even though The Darkling committed terrible atrocities, he's probably my favorite character of the series because of his complexity.

    Annie @ Indoor Sojourner

    1. Me too! I loved Cress. I was only worried because it has become a trend lately that series are getting longer and longer and later books are just so unnecessary! However, I totally loved Cress. I just miss series where every book was comparable in length like The Maze Runner or Hunger Games :P.

  2. Such a fun tag, I wish had more time for these! I absolutely love Disney<3

    Girl, your love for The Darkling XD

    1. hehe I make time since they are so addicting to do! :) AND YES DARKLING. Eric Northman from The Sookie Stackhouse series has been my fav questionable love interest, but The Darkling has replaced him since he definitely has a worse temper!
