
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Popular series I haven't read … yet

Yes, I have not read that series! There are so many super popular book series that I am almost embarrassed to say that I haven't read yet.    I bet they are really great. It is especially upsetting because I gave so much attention to popular series that were kind of pretty bad (not mentioning any names). I did take like a small hiatus from reading my first two years of undergrad so I feel like maybe they were published then? I don't even know! So the books in this post I definitely plan on getting to sooner rather than later. They are like shadows looming over my bookshelf. So here are the book series I think are popular that I have yet to read:

1. The Lunar Chronicles 
I have NEVER read The Lunar Chronicles, but I am reading Cinder right now because I want to be all caught up with everyone for Winter. Also, I don't want anyone to spoil me because apparently I follow a bunch of people who love spoiling stuff on Twitter.

2. Daughter of Smoke & Bone Series 

I actually don't think this one is as popular as other series, but I've still heard really good things about it and since I have the series I still want to get to it!

3. The Raven Cycle Series

I have heard this is one of THE best book series, ever. I literally ordered it last week from Barnes and Noble and they send me a damaged one. That actually happened to me the first time I ordered Throne of Glass from them but that time I was just like ehhh whatever. Now I regret just letting it go. So this time I sent it back and got an undamaged copy! I plan on starting it in the near future.

4. Percy Jackson & the Olympians 

I KNOW, I KNOW what am I doing with my life? I don't really have an excuse except for I only started blogging this year and I don't really walk into the middle grade part of the book store and how else was I supposed to know about this series, guys?!

5. The Mortal Instruments (Kind of) 

I am stuck half way. I will finish it. Sometime…

6. Mara Dyer Series

This is another series I have heard nothing but good things about. I heard it has one of the swooniest book boyfriends in the history of book boyfriends. I mean, debatable because I'll clearly have to be the judge of that! But this is the only one out of all of these that I do not have! I really want it, though! :)

7. Grisha Trilogy 

With all of the Six of Crows hype going on, I can't help but feel left out. I don't want to even read the description for fear of spoiling anything. I know something about Mal and I know something about The Darkling and Mal and his friend get split up when his friend shows powers when a monster shows up. Am I right? lol. I'm definitely planning on marathoning the series before Six of Crows! Cool covers though. I dig them hard.

So I totally am going to read this books soon! I'm thinking Lunar Chronicles, Grisha, Raven Cycle then I haven't got past that in terms of ordering them. What popular series have you never read?

- Jocelyn


  1. The Raven Boys is such an amazing series OMG! I loved the writing style and Maggie Stiefvater just knows how to great some great characters that have cool relationships. I think I would pass on the Shadow and Bone series. I read the first book, didn't enjoy it much, and then I didn't read the second one!

    Alex @ The Book's Buzz

    1. I heard it was so good! I started to listen to an audiobook of Shiver and I was so bored. The guys voice was so ugly if it's even possible for a voice to be ugly, but I had to stop. Nothing exciting happened, and I was just thinking about other stuff and missing a lot going on in the story because it didn't keep me intrigued. I heard The Raven Boys was nothing like it, though! And I've heard such mixed things about Grisha! You either love it or you hate it I hear lol.

  2. Percy Jackson was so good! It was hilarious and quite interesting as well!

    1. I bought the book last week when I was at B&N! It looks like an easy read so I'm hoping to read it soon :)

  3. I haven't read any of these either! Or at least as a whole. Haha! I've only read The Raven Boys and I'm still stuck on Cinder. I've had the whole Mortal Instruments set since 2012 and I have no idea why I haven't even picked it up yet, lol. I haven't read the Harry Potter series either, lol.

    Blessie @ Mischievous Reads

    1. Haha my parents used to read my Harry Potter from before I could even read so I feel like I can't even say "I read" the first couple. And so many people love the Mortal Instruments and I like them but I heard it gets better as you go so maybe I just didn't get to that point yet lol. And really? I'm loving Cinder actually!

  4. READ THE LUNAR CHRONICLES LIKE NOW! It's one of my absolute favorite series ever! I've started The Raven Cycle, and let me tell you, I understand the hype with these books. The plot is complex, and the characters are so weird and . . . girl I can't even explain it! Like with the Raven Cycle, I've only read the first book of The Mara Dyer Trilogy, but I just purchased the second one and I can't wait to dive back in. It's AH-MAZING!

    1. I AM!! I'm reading Cinder right now and I'm almost done, it's sooo good! I'm ordering the next book ASAP with my B&N coupon lol. & When I want to finish Grisha before The Raven Cycle because Six of Crows comes out before The Raven King but they are definitely on my most important list! haha!

  5. That's so weird, I haven't read any of these either but I own quite a few! I've always been super wary of fairytale retellings like Cinder but I definitely want to read the others!

    A.M. Bradley @ Hungover Fiction Lover

    1. I'm trying to read all of them! I hate starting a new series when I haven't finished the last but since this post was written I've read Cinder and Shadow and Bone and I really enjoyed both of them.
